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PCV's Rainbow Tick Journey

PCV's Rainbow Tick Journey

PCV has recently commenced the journey to become a Rainbow Tick accredited organisation. Rainbow Tick is widely recognised as a leading approach to measuring and demonstrating an organisation’s LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice.

The Rainbow Tick provides a framework designed to support organisations to become safe, welcoming, and affirming places for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex and queer staff, volunteers, Members (in the case of PCV), and the community.

PCV’s journey has started with a comprehensive gap analysis across Rainbow Tick’s six LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice standards which has provided invaluable information about where PCV can begin to make improvements. PCV has commenced a review of its policies, recruitment and induction processes and is seeking guidance and input from the LGBTIQA+ communities[1]. 

An assessment of PCV’s built and virtual environments is also underway to ensure that our physical touchpoints and online presence are welcoming and accessible for the LGBTIQA+ communities. 

As the peak body for palliative care in Victoria, PCV is keen to share the journey of becoming Rainbow Tick accredited and welcome collaboration and invite feedback on any aspect of the work.

PCV’s Rainbow Tick team can be contacted via rainbowtick@pallcarevic.asn.au

[1] The term ‘LGBTIQA+ communities’ is used here as it is considered a more accurate term as the LGBTIQA+ community is made up of a highly diverse group of individuals comprising many different communities within this umbrella term.


All staff complete introductory LGBTIQA+ training

1 December 2024

As part of increasing our knowledge and understanding of the LGBTIQA+ community, their history, health and wellbeing needs, and priorities, all PCV staff have completed Rainbow Health Australia’s online training, ‘True Colours: Introduction to LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice’.

PCV holds inaugural meeting of the Rainbow Tick Steering Committee

19 November 2024

PCV held it’s first meeting of the Rainbow Tick Steering Committee this month. The Steering Committee, comprised of members from the LGBTIQA+ communities, has been established to help guide and support PCV on its journey to becoming Rainbow Tick accredited. It is envisaged that the Committee will meet once a quarter at a minimum during the accreditation phase.

LGBTIQA+ Multicultural  Fair day

5 October 2024

PCV hosted a stall at the LGBTIQA+ Multicultural Fair Day to continue to raise awareness of palliative care with this community. Put on by the Australian GBTIQA+ Multicultural Council (AGMC) with the support of Merri-bek City Council, the Fair was a warm and vibrant day for all.
